1. State one function of the mucus membrane inside the nasal passage.
  2. What are the end products of respiration?
  3. What are the end products of fat digestion?
  4. Why is the rate of photosynthesis more during a bright sunny day as compound to a cloudy day?
  5. What is transpiration?
  6. What is translocation?
  7. What is a guard cell?
  8. Name the U-shaped tubule of nephron.
  9. Name the cells where CO2 is converted into carbohydrates.
  10. Name the structure of the kidney where glomerulus are enclosed.
  11. What is a sphygmomanometer?
  12. Give one functional difference between RBC and WBC.
  13. Why is blood called a liquid connective tissue?
  14. Point out differences between an artery and a vein.       (HOTS) AI 2007)
  15. What is the role of HCL in protein digestion?        (HOTS) (Foreign 2001)
  16. Give two protein digesting enzymes of pancreatic juice with their action.
  17. Define nutrition. What are the different modes of nutrition?
  18. What are the functions of stomach?
  19. What are the functions of small intestine?
  20. What is bile? What are its constituents?