Control and coordination questions class 10
Control and coordination questions class 10 (part 2)
- Name tree stimuli which act on plants.
- Explain the cause of shoots of the plant bending towards light.(Delhi 2008)
- Name the two hormones secreted by pancreas. Write one function of each hormone named. (Delhi 2007)
- Name the two types of neurons? How is the functioning of one different from the other?
- What are releasing hormones? Where are they released from?
- What is spinal cord and how is it protected?
- Glucagon and insulin are antagonistic to each other. Justify the statement.
- Name the three types of nerves and their functions.
- Distinguish between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
- What are cranial nerves? How many cranial nerves does a human being have?
- What is the location of parathyroid gland? Name one important hormone of parathyroid gland.
- What is thymus gland and state its location.
- What is neuromuscular junction?
- How do you support the statement that pancreas, are the overall controller of the blood glucose level?
- What is the difference between a reflex action and walking?
- Why is the use of iodised salt advisable?
- Why are some patients of diabetes treated by giving injections of insulin?
- What is hydrotropism? Describe an experiment to demonstrate hydrotropism? (AI 2009)
- What are the male and female gonads in human beings?
- What is the difference between sensory and motor neurons? Which parts of human brain are responsible for auditory reception and sensation of smell?