Acid base and salt part 1
Acid base and salt part 1
- What is the milk of magnesia?
- Name two natural indicators?
- Is turmeric an indicator?
- Which gas has evolved when metal carbonates or metal hydrogen carbonates reacts with dilute acids?
- Is CO2 gas supporter of combustion?
- What happens when copper oxide reacts with conc. H2SO4?
- Which colour is obtained when CuO reacts with conc. HCl?
- What is the colour of pH paper in NaCl solution?
- Why does bleaching powder act as bleaching agent?
- Name the substance which on treatment with chlorine gives bleaching powder.
- Why does it act as disinfectant?
- Why is bread, biscuits fluffy?
- The acid present in atmosphere of Venus is …….
- Enamel is made up of……
- Toothpastes are…… nature.
- Write the name and chemical formula of the products formed by heating gypsum at 373 k.
- Write the names and chemical formula of the products formed by the action of chlorine on slaked lime.
- During summer season, a milkman usually adds very small amount of baking soda to fresh milk. Give one reason.
- Name the gas usually liberated when a dilute acid reacts with a metal. What happens when a burning candle is brought near this gas?
- Which gas is generally liberated when a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid reacts with an active metal?